Poster title,
Authors, and Institution |
UNIT: User-ceNtrIc Transaction Management
in Web-Database Systems
Huiming Qu, Alexandros Labrinidis,
Daniel Mosse
University of Pittsburgh |
Concept Frequency Distribution in
Biomedical Text Summarization
Lawrence H. Reeve, Hyoil Han, Saya
V. Nagori, Jonathan C. Yang, Tamara
A. Schwimmer, Ari D. Brooks
Drexel University |
Semantically Enhanced User Modeling
Palakorn Achananuparp, Hyoil Han,
Olfa Nasraoui, Roberta Johnson
Drexel University |
Citeseerx: An Architecture And Web
Service Design For An Academic Document
Search Engine
Huajing Li, Isaac Councill, Wang-Chien
Lee, C. Lee Giles
Pennsylvania State University |
Efficient Name Disambiguation for
Large-Scale Databases (Best Poster
Jian Huang, Seyda Ertekin, C. Lee
Pennsylvania State University
Efficient Policy Analysis for SPKI/SDSI
from Rules
Katia Hristova, Annie Liu
Stony Brook University
Generating efficient implementations
from extended Datalog rules, object-set
comprehensions, and regular path queries,
with time and space guarantess
Annie Liu
Stony Brook University |
Querying complex graphs
Y. A. Liu, S.D. Stoller
Stony Brook University |
DPTree: A Balanced Tree-based Indexing
Framework for Peer-to-Peer Systems
Mei Li
Stony Brook University |
Semantic Small World: An Overlay
Network for P2P Search
Mei Li, Wang-Chien Lee, Anand Sivasubramaniam
Stony Brook University |
Ranking-Based Evaluation of Regression
Saharon Rosset, Claudia Perlich,
Bianca Zadrozny
IBM Research |
Personal Digital Rights Management
in Mobile Frameworks
Siddharth Bhatt, Radu Sion
Stony Brook University |
N3S: Networked Secure Searchable
Storage (Honorable Mention)
Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion
Stony Brook University |
Network Structure and the Long Tail
of Ecommerce Demand (Honorable
Gal Oestreicher-Singer
New York University |
An Original Semantics to Keyword
Queries and Partially Structured Queries
for XML Using Structural Patterns
Xiaoying Wu
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
A Model-based Conceptual Clustering
of Spatio-Temporal Data using Formal
Concept Analysis
Subodh K. Shah, Jeoyngkyu Lee
University of Bridgeport |