Poster title, Authors, and Institution
UNIT: User-ceNtrIc Transaction Management in Web-Database Systems
Huiming Qu, Alexandros Labrinidis, Daniel Mosse
University of Pittsburgh
Concept Frequency Distribution in Biomedical Text Summarization
Lawrence H. Reeve, Hyoil Han, Saya V. Nagori, Jonathan C. Yang, Tamara A. Schwimmer, Ari D. Brooks
Drexel University
Semantically Enhanced User Modeling
Palakorn Achananuparp, Hyoil Han, Olfa Nasraoui, Roberta Johnson
Drexel University
Citeseerx: An Architecture And Web Service Design For An Academic Document Search Engine
Huajing Li, Isaac Councill, Wang-Chien Lee, C. Lee Giles
Pennsylvania State University
Efficient Name Disambiguation for Large-Scale Databases (Best Poster Award)
Jian Huang, Seyda Ertekin, C. Lee Giles
Pennsylvania State University
Efficient Policy Analysis for SPKI/SDSI from Rules
Katia Hristova, Annie Liu
Stony Brook University
Generating efficient implementations from extended Datalog rules, object-set comprehensions, and regular path queries, with time and space guarantess
Annie Liu
Stony Brook University
Querying complex graphs
Y. A. Liu, S.D. Stoller
Stony Brook University
DPTree: A Balanced Tree-based Indexing Framework for Peer-to-Peer Systems
Mei Li
Stony Brook University
Semantic Small World: An Overlay Network for P2P Search
Mei Li, Wang-Chien Lee, Anand Sivasubramaniam
Stony Brook University
Ranking-Based Evaluation of Regression Models
Saharon Rosset, Claudia Perlich, Bianca Zadrozny
IBM Research
Personal Digital Rights Management in Mobile Frameworks
Siddharth Bhatt, Radu Sion
Stony Brook University
N3S: Networked Secure Searchable Storage (Honorable Mention)
Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion
Stony Brook University
Network Structure and the Long Tail of Ecommerce Demand (Honorable Mention)
Gal Oestreicher-Singer
New York University
An Original Semantics to Keyword Queries and Partially Structured Queries for XML Using Structural Patterns
Xiaoying Wu
New Jersey Institute of Technology
A Model-based Conceptual Clustering of Spatio-Temporal Data using Formal Concept Analysis
Subodh K. Shah, Jeoyngkyu Lee
University of Bridgeport